
Geometry Dash Boss V Devourers

Geometry Dash Boss V Devourers was created by Xender Game with a ten-star Medium Demon difficulty. The round begins with a massive beam of light collapsing a city, causing collapsed structures and explosions.

The game throws players into a chaotic, mechanical world full of explosions and toppling buildings. The first monster, Eater, uses lasers, pillar structures, and platforms to attack as the level accelerates. Biter, the second boss, uses lasers, spiky blocks, and pillars to attack. Spider, robot, and special orb sequences open the last round of Geometry Dash Boss V Devourers.


Number of unique segments

The matrix in Boss V Devourers can be divided into four parts, with an opening segment and three boss fights.

  • 0-23%: The level begins with a massive beam of light collapsing a city, revealing the Roman numeral V. The player is then transported to a chaotic, mechanical environment filled with collapsed structures, explosions, and various obstacles. The level speeds up as the game progresses.
  • 24-60%: It is the first battle, “Round 1: Easter”. The first boss, Eater, begins with a wave of lasers, pillar structures, platforms, yellow lasers, UFO sections, and green orbs. The game progresses to a wave with yellow lasers, a spam UFO section, a ball section with dash orbs, a ship with black orbs, a saw, and a UFO spam section.
  • 61-76%: The second boss appears in “Round 2: Biter”. It begins with a dual wave filled with teeth-like pillars, a ship with spiked blocks, glowing mouths, and more toothed pillars. The boss then presents a spam cube, a short ship, a UFO, and a ship with yellow lasers. The final boss features a ship with yellow lasers.
  • 77-100%: The final round with the last boss is “Round 3: Crawler”. It starts with a spider sequence, followed by a robot sequence with jumps and orbs. The player must hit a ship with a black orb, jump pads, and special orbs to avoid lasers. Crawler shoots out green lasers, and the player must hit orbs as a UFO. The final section is a slow-paced mini-cube with tough timing.
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